Put your heart at His feet,

it's the gift He loves most of all.

-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Three powerful encounters with christ

At His Feet, Women In Scripture is a powerful drama that invites the modern audience to experience Scripture in a way that is relevant, holy and meaningful. Through these engaging performances, the audience will have their hearts and minds transformed, their faith deepened and be inspired to proclaim Christ in and through their lives.

This is not simply a show, it is an interactive evening of soaking in Scripture  through dramatic scenes, music and reflection. At His Feet, Women In Scripture has been performed throughout Michigan and has been highly praised. Our drama performances are a creative, inspiring expression of evangelization to people who are seeking to know Christ and are profoundly affecting thousands to be renewed and re-invigorated in their relationship with Him.

This transforming performance is perfect for your church community, Advent or Lenten events, conferences and retreats. Plan to book a performance and experience the wonder of God in a new way!

The Woman At The Well

She gives him a drink, he gives her Living Water. See how a woman of ill repute transforms and becomes one of the first evangelists.

Martha and Mary
Two saints, two of Jesus' best friends, what they each bring to the table. Explores the need to sit in His presence and the call to serve Him.

The Woman With The Hemorrhage

A modern woman turns to her Bible for inspiration and is lifted up by the struggles of this woman in Scripture. Music and the psalms weave through the text in this powerful dramatization.

  • At His Feet0:30

A powerful drama and experience of Scripture that is relevant, holy and meaningful.